And because we know that cats need people around to open their cans of cat food, in 2020,
we started making face masks to keep cat parents safe. Our original cat bed designs and face masks are made using highest-quality fabric in Washington, USA.

Our mission is to provide every kitty a fabulously fun and cozy place to sleep and play, using fabrics and designs that make their humans happy, too.
How, you may ask, did the mastermind behind The Cat Ball® come up with such a genius design? Great question. Jennifer (human #1, below) was working in costume design and was tasked with making a soccer ball mascot costume (just another day…). When she made a prototype, she discovered that her kittens adored it.
Throw in a bit of tinkering and some really late nights, and the rest, as they say, is history.
The Humans
Human #1: Jennifer
I’m the human mentioned in the origin story above. I have a degree in apparel design and pattern making and these days, I feed the cats, take photos for Instagram and do the shipping.
Obviously, I groove hard on cat photos (who doesn’t?!?), but I also have a deep conviction that we could all coexist a little less mysteriously with our feline friends if we took a bit more time to see the world from their point of view. In my Cat Ball journey, I’ve also basically earned a (not real) degree in Cat Psychology, which should be evident from all the amazing content I’ve popped on our tips and tricks page.
Oh, and thanks for being here and reading this far. I seriously don’t know why you’re so interested, but it means a lot to me. And I’m over the moon that you’re supporting our small business. Thank you.

Hey! I'm Jennifer!
Chief cat lady

Human #2: Chris
Hi there. I’m Chris, and I joined the party in 2012. I brought some (cough, much needed, cough) technology skills and an unexpected aptitude in cat wrangling. I’d also like you to know that the shark Cat Ball® was my idea.
Hi there! I'm Chris
Chief Tech & Cat Wrangler
The Cats
As the protoype-testers, focus group members and catalog models, the cats run the show. Except they’re mysteriously missing when there’s hard work to be done. Cats.

Cat #1: Retro
Howdy! I’m Retro. I’m half Siamese and half Angora and my hobbies include: string, sticks, boxes and rabbits. I’m proudly single, so don’t bother to call.
I like my Cat Ball left in a quiet location, and that’s where I make my great plans and get some shut-eye. I’m told I snore loudly, but I think the humans are just jealous of my amazing sleep schedule.

Cat #2: Tink
Hey there! I’m Tink. I have tabby striped legs and a creamy body with dense, yet silky, fur. I show up in all of the photos because… well, I always show up when we go to the photo studio. If you want to make your dreams come true, you gotta show up, that’s what I always say. A lot of people think Retro and I are a thing. We aren’t. I’m accepting Instagram DMs from bad-ass felines skilled in dueling tactics. I’ve been trying to get rid of Retro for ages.
So... who are you?
Nothing makes our world go ‘round like seeing more cat photos. So, do us a favor, and share your darling cat with their Cat Ball® on Instagram or facebook (or both! Really, no such thing as too much sharing!). And you can always drop us a line.
Rock, on, you cat lover, you!
-The Cat Ball Team