That Day We Were Getting Silly and Having Fun - The Prepper Cat's Bugout Shelter
We've been meeting the needs of America's Prepper Cats since, oh, the day before yesterday, so we are quite (well, kinda) knowledgeable about the necessity of prepping, and the strategies required for survival. No matter your preferred doomsday scenario, you're going to need food, shelter and weaponry. Here at the Cat Ball World Headquarters, we've prepared our kitties with their own "bugout shelter", offering shelter when the zombies begin to walk, the lava flows, and the kitty-roca hits the fan!
I made this limited edition Prepper Cat Ball® cat bed with a USMC camo pattern outside and barbed wire inside. It's compressible, washable and we've been getting great feed back from our customers, even the compulsively pessimistic ones.
Sadly, we are now out of this fabric. We love the photos though, and we thought you might enjoy them too. If CDC issues a zombie apocalypse warning then we will try to find similar fabrics again, because this design really gave us the giggles, and the cats had fun, too.
Just don't forget your can opener.
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